A Guttmann Barcelona, oferim serveis clínics altament especialitzats i orientats a proporcionar, per a cada persona –ja sigui adulta o infantil-, els millors tractaments i les solucions més òptimes avui possibles per a les diverses manifestacions de les patologies d’origen neurològic.
Disposem de modernes instal·lacions especialment dissenyades per a la seva funció i dotades de les més avançades tecnologies de la neurorehabilitació; però per sobre de tot, comptem amb un gran equip de professionals (psicòlegs, neuropsicòlegs, logopedes, fisioterapeutes, terapeutes ocupacionals...), avesats en diferents disciplines i tecnologies clíniques, entrenats a Institut Guttmann i amb una acreditada experiència en neurorehabilitació especialitzada.
Equip de professionals

The Child Neuropsychological Intervention always takes place in individualised sessions which work individually with each child or young person.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for the treatment of depression is aimed at people with or without neurological issues who have been diagnosed with treatment-resistant major depression; that is, when they have not responded to treatment with different antidepressant medications which have been taken properly.

The Comprehensive Memory Stimulation Program aims to prevent and / or slow down the cognitive and physical deterioration of people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.

During the first sessions of child physiotherapy, we examine the child and collect all the data needed to set up a personalised programme, including an interview with the family to find out relevant aspects in order to establish the most appropriate plan for the child’s recovery:

This personalised training and improved functionality programme is aimed at optimising and maintaining functional capabilities, as well as preventing complications associated with disability issues.

In order to devise a child occupational therapy treatment programme adapted to the needs of each individual child, several key aspects are explored in the first sessions: