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Clínica del neurodesenvolupament

Neurodevelopment and school Webinars

Guttmann Barcelona, Institute of Brain Health and Neurorehabilitation, in March 2022 launched a series of webinars entitled Neurodevelopment and school, especially addressed to professionals in the world of education, but also to all those interested in the subject. The aim is to provide information on the process of neurodevelopment in children and how it influences school learning.

Neurodevelopment is a very complex process that begins early in gestation and does not end until adolescence. Cognitive development is intrinsically linked to the development of children's motor, language and intellectual skills. Understanding the stages of development or being aware of the presence of any alteration that may interfere with their correct functioning can provide educational professionals with guidelines for approaching their pupils' learning.

In this cycle, topics such as the importance of cognitive development in learning, difficulties in reading and writing, attention deficit in childhood, autism or high capacities, among others, are dealt with.

The talks are available in Catalan and are given by experts from the Neuropsychology area of Guttmann Barcelona - Institute of Brain Health and Neurorehabilitation.

