A Guttmann Barcelona, oferim serveis clínics altament especialitzats i orientats a proporcionar, per a cada persona –ja sigui adulta o infantil-, els millors tractaments i les solucions més òptimes avui possibles per a les diverses manifestacions de les patologies d’origen neurològic.
Disposem de modernes instal·lacions especialment dissenyades per a la seva funció i dotades de les més avançades tecnologies de la neurorehabilitació; però per sobre de tot, comptem amb un gran equip de professionals (psicòlegs, neuropsicòlegs, logopedes, fisioterapeutes, terapeutes ocupacionals...), avesats en diferents disciplines i tecnologies clíniques, entrenats a Institut Guttmann i amb una acreditada experiència en neurorehabilitació especialitzada.
Equip de professionals
The Psychological treatment with Cognitive behavioural therapy brings together two types of therapeutic treatments, because although behavioural therapies are successful in the treatment of some pathologies, other aspects involved in the way in which people respond to different situations have to be taken into account.
Guttmann Barcelona has launched its programme of psychology group sessions, as the social aspects associated with group therapy provide additional benefits to those of the treatment itself, due to the positive impact that spending time with other people has on our mood and cognitive response.
The treatment of aphasia with transcranial magnetic stimulation is aimed at patients with non-fluent aphasia, that is, aphasias with difficulty for verbal expression that maintain an acceptable capacity in language comprehension.
Guttmann Barcelona offers a treatment programme of physiotherapy and gait rehabilitation in a group, with sessions based on shared rehabilitation goals, with activities being planned around these goals in both the rehabilitation room and the swimming pool.
Social skills training is aimed at children and adolescents who have difficulties in interpersonal relationships and in handling different social situations, either because they have a disorder that justifies these issues.
The treatment of children’s cognitive telerehabilitation with Guttmann, NeuroPersonalTrainer® (GNPT®) is an active process that helps children with cognitive disorders, learning difficulties or behavioural problems to: