A Guttmann Barcelona, oferim serveis clínics altament especialitzats i orientats a proporcionar, per a cada persona –ja sigui adulta o infantil-, els millors tractaments i les solucions més òptimes avui possibles per a les diverses manifestacions de les patologies d’origen neurològic.
Disposem de modernes instal·lacions especialment dissenyades per a la seva funció i dotades de les més avançades tecnologies de la neurorehabilitació; però per sobre de tot, comptem amb un gran equip de professionals (psicòlegs, neuropsicòlegs, logopedes, fisioterapeutes, terapeutes ocupacionals...), avesats en diferents disciplines i tecnologies clíniques, entrenats a Institut Guttmann i amb una acreditada experiència en neurorehabilitació especialitzada.
Equip de professionals
Child speech therapy begins with an assessment involving a physical examination of the child and the administration of standardised tests and questionnaires.
This programme of treatment of neuropathic pain through transcranial stimulation and virtual reality is designed for patients who have suffered a neurological injury and present neuropathic pain after their rehabilitation process is finished, or people in a chronic phase who want to relieve their pain
Cognitive rehabilitation with Guttmann, NeuroPersonalTrainer® is neuropsychological rehabilitation treatment, which is an active process that helps the patient to optimise the recovery of higher functions (attention, perception, memory, executive functions, calculation...) to better understand the alterations presented and to develop strategies to compensate f
Neuropsychological rehabilitation or neuropsychological treatment is an active process that helps patients and their families to better understand the difficulties they present, develop strategies that optimize their higher functions, compensate for neuropsychological disorders and optimize higher functions.
The personalised stroke neurorehabilitation programme is aimed at patients who have suffered a stroke and who have the capacity to actively collaborate in a personalised outpatient neurorehabilitation programme. The techniques used are physiotherapy, occupational therapy, neuropsychology and speech therapy.
Music therapy is one of the treatment options available at Guttmann Barcelona, for both adult and paediatric patients affected by neurological injuries or diseases at different stages within the rehabilitation process.