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Music therapy

Music therapy

Music therapy is one of the treatment options available at Guttmann Barcelona, for both adult and paediatric patients affected by neurological injuries or diseases at different stages within the rehabilitation process.

The music therapy treatment offered at Guttmann Brain Health Institute follows the Neurologic Music Therapy model, endorsed by the World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation and the European Federation of NeuroRehabilitation Societies. This treatment model is based on research and evidence, following scientific knowledge of the perception and production of music and the effects of these functions on the brain and on non-musical behaviours.

Through the involvement of music in the therapeutic context, people’s abilities are therefore reinforced and transferred to other areas of their lives.

Music therapy consists of the use of music and/or musical elements (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) by a qualified music therapist in a process designed to facilitate and promote communication, relationships with others, learning, mobilisation, expression, organisation and other relevant therapeutic aims to register changes and meet the patient’s physical, emotional, social and cognitive needs.


After evaluating the strengths and needs of each patient, the treatment programme is devised, using specific, individualised and standardised techniques. The music therapy techniques used can be divided into three main categories, depending on the area being worked on:

  • Physical intervention: Techniques that focus on developing physical strength, balance, movement and coordination through rhythmic patterns.
  • Stimulating communication: The use of singing techniques and singing well-known songs can help speech stimulation and improve pronunciation, articulation and projection, as well as help patients remember vocabulary.
  • Cognitive stimulation: The use of different active and passive techniques that involve playing and listening to music can help patients improve attention, memory and problem solving through the use of specific musical activities.

No previous musical experience is required to participate in music therapy. Music’s capacity to stimulate responses makes music therapy an important part of many patients’ treatment plans.


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