Child occupational therapy
In order to devise a child occupational therapy treatment programme adapted to the needs of each individual child, several key aspects are explored in the first sessions:
- Family interview/survey: medical history, prior rehabilitation, daily activities, routines and habits, adaptations to the home, splints and support products and the goals of the family and the child (depending on their developmental age).
- Different assessment scales are administered to assess and determine the child’s level of development, overall mobility and sensory profile, motor planning and movement strategies, functionality of the upper limbs, performance during daily activities, the degree of participation and initiative during activities and the child’s abilities to establish relationships with other people.
- Once this initial assessment has been made, functional objectives are established according to the child’s needs and development. A play-based rehabilitation programme is proposed to work on all aspects that need to be addressed to achieve these aims.
- When the rehabilitation period ends, a detailed report will be delivered with all the details regarding the initial assessment, the treatment carried out and the changes and improvements observed in this period. Likewise, this report will give relevant recommendations on wheelchairs, upper limb splints, activities to perform at home and guidelines for daily activities.
This focuses on promoting overall mobility in bed and on the floor, enhancing correct movement patterns and supports, as well as stimulating the use of the two upper limbs.
Stimulation of tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular sensitivity as an essential element for the recognition of the body schema and correct motor planning.
Training and promoting autonomy during the activities of eating, dressing/ undressing, hygiene, personal grooming, mobility in bed and on the floor, transfers and wheelchair handling, always taking into account the child’s abilities by age and developmental stage, as well as promoting functional mobility and integrating the two upper limbs when carrying out these activities.
Promoting a correct sitting position, recommending adaptations for the home and technical aids for daily activities. During occupational therapy treatment, the family will be provided with guidelines to help stimulate playing as a tool for learning new skills, as well as favouring the child’s autonomy in their daily activities according to their developmental stage and their abilities, and promoting habits and routines that favour learning.