The Institut Guttmann will treat Alzheimer's, depression and pain in the new building
En el nuevo edificio se promoverá la salud cerebral y el bienestar mental para prevenir la enfermedad y que, en el caso de las personas que ya la padecen, se hará un tratamiento a su medida para conseguir minimizar el impacto, tanto en su persona como en su entorno familiar y afectivo.

The new Guttmann Brain Health Institute (GBHI), located in the new building in Barcelona, will offer specialized programs for the treatment of people with dementia, Alzheimer's, pain and memory problems, as well as depression and anxiety.
The Clinic is under the direction of the neurologist Álvaro Pascual-Leone, who is currently Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and who was already a scientific advisor to the Institut Guttmann for about twenty years.